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EP is leader in the homelift market, we‘re constantly seeking interesting profiles of passionate and enthusiastic people to join to our family

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    E.P. Elevatori Premontati srl, as Controller, hereby informs You (from now on data subject) that, under art. 13 Regulation EU of 27 April 2016 nr. 679 "General Data Protection Regulation" (from now on "Regulation"), Your personal data will be processed as follows:

    1. Processing purposes
    Your personal data will be processed to verify the skills necessary for the recruitment or for business collaboration with E.P. Elevatori Premontati srl. The candidate should provide personal data (biographical data, qualifications, work experiences, etc) and should not provide -except if he/she belongs to protected categories - personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, political opinion, and personal data revealing health status or sexual orientation. Personal data revealing health status (related to protected categories) or other particular data (as indicated by the art. 9 of the Regulation) will be immediately deleted without a written consent declaration of the data subject that allows the processing.

    2. Legal basis
    For personal data (biographical data, qualifications, work experiences, etc) the legal basis of the processing is the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party; in this case the subject’s will to undergo a selection to start a business collaboration with E.P. Elevatori Premontati srl. Personal data revealing health status (related to protected categories) or other particular data (as indicated by the art. 9 of the Regulation) the legal basis of this processing id the consent provided my the data subject. If You have provided Your consent, You have the right to easily revoke it at any time.

    3. Storage period
    Personal data will be stored for a period not exceeding 12 months.

    4. Personal data recipients
    The data You have provided will be processed by appropriately trained personnel, that operates under the Controller's authority and responsibility. Personal data could be processed also by third parties that provide services as communication, e-mail service, courier service, technical service for web site management and other IT services.
    To the above-mentioned subjects, only the necessary data for the related functions will be forwarded. The updated list of all our recipients is available at the Controller's field office and will be provided if requested by the data subject, by writing at the following e-mail address: [email protected]

    5. Rights of the data subject
    We inform You that in relation to the rights, You can always exert the rights of CHAPTER III of the Regulation. In particular, You have the right to ask the Controller the access to Your data, you have the right to rectification, cancellation, integration of data, processing limitation; receive the data in a structured format, commonly Used ad readable by an automatic device; revoke the consent given for processing Your data and partially or totally blocking the data processing; exert all the rights recognized by the applicable law. You can exert all the rights by writing via mail at E.P. Elevatori Premontati srl Via della Pavoncella 12 – 56019 Vecchiano (PI) or via e-mail at: [email protected]
    Under art. 77 of the Regulation, moreover, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervising Authority for the Data Protection in case You consider that Your data under this Regulationare infringed.

    6. Controller's contract data
    E.P. Elevatori Premontati srl Via Querceto,27 - 59100 Prato (PO) - Italy
    Sede operativa: Via della pavoncella,12 - 56019 Vecchiano (PI) - Italy
    Piva 01129050470 - Tel. +39 050 87.50.91 Fax. +39 050 87.50.999

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